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RPG Scribe Pathfinder
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What's included?

Expansion Pack New!

With Expansion Pack you get immediate access to additional content beyond Core Rulebook. It currently includes:

Expand your pathfinder's horizons!

Expansion Pack vs Base Comparison

Base Expansion Pack Total
Classes 26 46 72
Races 7 64 71
Archetypes - 448 448
Feats 186 843 1029
Spells 624 1064 1688
Weapon Types 69 76 145
Armor & Shield Types 18 15 33
Items 251 454 705
Domains 33 15 48
Bloodlines 10 26 36
Traits - 268 268

Archetypes in Expansion Pack

A full list of included archetypes is provided below:

ACG = Advanced Class Guide, APG = Advanced Player's Guide, ARG = Advanced Race Guide, UC = Ultimate Combat, UM = Ultimate Magic, OA = Occult Adventures.

Custom content

It is currently possible to add following custom elements:


System Requirements

Data Compatibility

It is possible to exchange data between iOS and Android versions of RPG Scribe using standard Import / Export functionality. Just make sure that the importing instance of the app has 'Data Version' (visible in About screen) higher or equal than the exporting instance of the app.

(*) Please make your purchasing decision based on current content.

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